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What is the price prediction for arbitrum (ARB)?

Based on our algorithmically generated price prediction for Arbitrum, the price of ARB is expected to decrease by 224.98% in the next month and reach $ 3.31 on May 31, 2024. Additionally, Arbitrum’s price is forecasted to gain 177.83% in the next six months and reach $ 2.83 on Oct 28, 2024.

What is arbitrum (ARB)?

For the uninitiated, Arbitrum is a widely popular layer-2 scaling resource for Ethereum, helping with affordable network fees and higher throughput. In this Arbitrum price prediction, we consider how the price levels corresponding to ARB — the native token — might move over time.

How much is arbitrum (ARB) in June 2024?

Based on the price fluctuations of Arbitrum at the beginning of 2024, crypto experts expect the average ARB rate of $1.20 in June 2024. Its minimum and maximum prices can be expected at $0.941 and at $1.46, respectively. Cryptocurrency experts are ready to announce their forecast for the ARB price in July 2024.

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